Saturday, December 08, 2007

The Year in Sentences

Meme: Post the first line of your first journal entry of each month for 2007 (via Greg Van Eekhout)

(Looking back, all I can say is why the hell do you read this blog.)

January Last night, lying in bed, it occurred to me that 'girl' means female, but 'woman' means 'human adult female.'

February My sister has been in town for the last week and I've also been doing some freelance work.

March Is there anything better than a grilled cheese sandwich and the knowledge that one's taxes are done?

April So the Vet says the test results from Shelly are weird.

May Okay, it's really not. It's really a mash-up. But it's fun. (Link to Star Trek done as lolcatz)

June Post Card From Lubbock

July Off to Boston on the 5th for Readercon.

August I am sorry for my protracted silence.

September When did the tooth fairy become a guy in drag?

October Last December we had just moved and I was broke.

November When we moved into this house, we found that the oven door didn't quite close which meant that the oven had a draft so the temperature was uneven and baking anything was chancy, at best.

December When I was a kid, once I got one of those 'big books' for kids that had stories, puzzles, nonfiction, all sorts of stuff in it.


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