Sunday, March 27, 2005

Seeing Friends

I saw Geoff Landis and Mary Turzillo, Pat Stansberry and Sarah Willis and a bunch of other friends all on Saturday. We've all been teaching writing workshops all around town sponsored by Cleveland State University. After whining about how changed I look, Geoff said that he was quite astonished. He'd expected to see some gray, half-dead creature and I looked great! Sarah told me she loved my wig and I looked great. (Bob told me that having cancer has actually done wonders for my appearance because now I dress better and take some care before I go out.)

So I guess I have to say that there are a lot of days when I look in the mirror and everything looks pretty good. And I have nothing but good things to say about undereye concealer.

Tomorrow is chemo #9 so I had a lot to get done this Easter day. Finished tax stuff to drop off with the accountant. Finished up some freelance work. I'm doing laundry and soon we'll be off to see my mom--I've got Easter flowers for her.

All this activity and no need for a nap. I feel positively normal!

Geoff's surgery is tomorrow. He promises to take at least six hours off afterwards. Happy Resurection Day to all of us in the cancer club.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cancel the order for lilies; I'm still here.

March 28, 2005 3:16 PM  
Blogger Maureen McHugh said...

I like lilies. I'll just keep them and lie and say they were for Easter.

(Hope you're feeling pretty good.)

March 28, 2005 4:59 PM  

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