In one sense, this goes against the big lesson I learned when I was diagnosed, which is, 'You can't plan.' But of course, it is precisely because of Hodgkins that I decided we had to go. Not because we could die any day and have missed the opportunity. I haven't learned that lesson at all. But because planning cool stuff makes uncool times bearable. This was borne out by a guy Bob works with who has cancer. 'Trips are good,' he said. And they are.
So I've fought to keep on track to go to New Mexico in May. And we'll go to Wiscon. And next year we'll go to Germany. If something comes up next year, we'll deal with it then. That's the other thing I've learned--if something comes up, you just deal with it as best you can.
Wiscon! Yay!
Kristin stole my line!
Mexico and Wiscon and Germany -- oh, my!
Good for you, Maureen! I'm doing the same thing. St. Maarten early May (two days after my 9th treatment,) another Caribbean as yet to be planned vacation late fall, and Italy next spring.
I'm just catching up on your blog. I was sorry to read of your disappointment with that lest stubborn node. I hate those things! I know you'll kick it to the curb, though, with these last treatments. And I agree with the others: you ARE a Tough Ass Broad!
And she's got a Tough-Assed Node.
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