I basically live in LA these days, toiling on the edges of the film and game industries. Actually I live in Pasadena. But it's real close to LA. I go home to husband and dogs on the weekend.
I live in a studio apartment only half a mile from work, and walk to work ever morning, which is exactly not the LA experience. But other than that, it feels like LA. And frankly, I am completely unable to wrap my head around the sprawling, sun-drenched anarchic thing that is greater LA. I lived in New York, one of the other defining metropoli of the U.S. when I was in my twenties and although it was not always easy, I felt I could 'get' New York City. Maybe it is age. Possibly it is that memory has glossed over the first year in New York when I was pretty miserable.
There is much to like about this place. The Asian food is extraordinary. The weather is a permanent vacation for a midwesterner.
Still I feel utterly out of step.